What on Earth is going on!
In an attempt to determine the true workings of the Evil Magician throughout history we need to first distinguish the difference between objectivity and subjectivity.
Now for a few practical examples I've found on the Internet. The following quotes are from a web site that attempts to view today's world events objectively. This particular day it was written by Laura Knight-Jadczyk who is attempting to share with the reader the knowledge of viewing the Universe objectively.
The author also goes on to explain the brains interaction with the environment;
And with respect to physics and mathematics;
With regard to the psychopaths in our reality;
So, this post getting a bit long but its just a glimpse at what is "out" there to discover. Hyperdimensional realities, ancient civilizations and technology, DNA, cycles of change, religion, alchemy, on and on. But the truth, as close as we can objectively get.
sub·jec·tiv·i·ty [ sùb jek tívv-tee]
noun 1. personal interpretation based on personal opinions or feelings rather than on external facts or evidence
2. arts personal vision concentration on personal, individual responses in artistic expression
ob·jec·tiv·i·ty [ òb jek tívv-tee]
noun 1. ability to view things objectively the ability to perceive or describe something without being influenced by personal emotions or prejudices
2. philosophy actual existence the actual existence of something, without reference to people's impressions or ideas
3. accuracy the quality of being accurate and independent of individual perceptions
Now for a few practical examples I've found on the Internet. The following quotes are from a web site that attempts to view today's world events objectively. This particular day it was written by Laura Knight-Jadczyk who is attempting to share with the reader the knowledge of viewing the Universe objectively.
...This brings us to the issue of subjectivity vs. objectivity.In recent weeks, I have been queried by several people who want to know just HOW "Knowledge protects." My response was too lengthy to reproduce here, but I said in part,
As the C's have said, and this is echoed in the most ancient traditions "It's not where you are, but WHO you are and WHAT YOU SEE that counts." This "who" and "what you see" have been somewhat problematical as research subjects, and it has only been in the last three years that clear understanding of these concepts have been articulated. I discuss both extensively in my lectures on Alchemy. ..
We must regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its past and the cause of its future. Consider an intelligence which, at any instant, could have a knowledge of all forces controlling nature together with the momentary conditions of all the entities of which nature consists. If this intelligence were powerful enough to submit all this data to analysis it would be able to embrace in a single formula the movements of the largest bodies in the universe and those of the lightest atoms; for it, nothing would be uncertain;the future and the past would be equally present to its eyes. Pierre Laplace
Certainly, such an intelligence as Laplace describes would be "Godlike," you agree? And certainly, no one of us human beings is capable of such "seeing," you will also agree. However, what does seem to be true is that this is a significant clue to the solutions to the pressing issues of our day knowledge that leads to awareness.
The author also goes on to explain the brains interaction with the environment;
...As the brain interacts with its environment, synaptic circuits combine to form synaptic maps of the world perceived by the senses. These maps describe small segments of that world - shape,color, movement - and these maps are scattered throughout the brain. As the brain's synaptic network evolves, beginning at birth - or even before - these maps process information simultaneously and in parallel.
Based on our synaptic maps of the world, we are enabled to have a more or less objective view of reality. Classical physics asserts that the future already exists, as do the present and past.Everything that ever will happen has already happened. But for some unknown reason our minds can only experience the future a piece at a time in what we call the present...
And with respect to physics and mathematics;
...In the past three years, as I noted at the beginning of today's page, we have made some considerable progress on our mandate of discovering what really makes reality tick and how does humanity fit into it. Much of this work is pure science - physics and mathematics - but I'm not going to give you the formulas or the computer simulation codes, I'm going to explain it to you in simple terms.
Our universe seems to be made up of matter/energy and of consciousness.
Matter/energy by itself "prefers", as it seems, a chaotic state.
Matter/energy by itself doesn't even have a concept of "creation" or "organization". It is the consciousness that brings to life these concepts and by its interaction with matter pushes the universe towards chaos and decay or towards order and creation.
This phenomenon can modeled mathematically and simulated on a computer using EEQT(Event Enhanced Quantum Theory). Whether EEQT faithfully models the interaction of consciousness with matter - we do not know. But chances that it does because it seems to describe correctly physical phenomena better than just the orthodox quantum mechanics or its rival theories (Bohmian mechanics, GRW etc.)...
With regard to the psychopaths in our reality;
(Quoting from Adventure Series),And so it is that identifying the psychopath, ceasing our interaction with them, cutting them off from our society, making ourselves unavailable to them as "food" or objects to be conned and used, is the single most effective strategy that we can play. [...]
To allow oneself to be conned, or used by a psychopath is to effectively become part of his "hierarchy" of feeding. To believe the lies of the psychopath is to submit to his "bidding" (he bids you to believe a lie, and you acquiesce), and thus, to relinquish your free will. [...]
At best, we can only really penetrate to the level of the psychological reality, observed behavior that is discordant, or self-destructive. And we are thoroughly programmed to help by giving until it hurts, or trying to fix, or to make nice. All of these things, all of these accommodations of psychopathy, on just a practical level, can be seen to "select for psychopathy" in terms of the gene pool.
But on another level, considering the great amount of evidence we have that there is something very mysterious going on that has to do with "controlling the minds of humanity," and covering up something that may affect every single human being on this planet, we find that the issue is crucial. Refusing to accommodate the manipulations and maneuvers of the psychopath may, indeed, be critical to the positive transformation of our planet. [...]
And we see that the ultimate aim of the psychopath, as living representatives of the Universal forces of Entropy, of Non-Being, is to MASTER creative energy. To assimilate it to the self, to deprive others of it by inducing them to believe lies. Because, when you believe the lie of the psychopath, you have given him control of your Free Will - the essence of Creativity.[...]
So, this post getting a bit long but its just a glimpse at what is "out" there to discover. Hyperdimensional realities, ancient civilizations and technology, DNA, cycles of change, religion, alchemy, on and on. But the truth, as close as we can objectively get.
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