Saturday, February 17, 2007

Laura Knight Jadczyk on BBC radio

Here is a must hear interview with Laura Knight Jadczyk on BBC radio! The interview discusses many of the subjects in her latest book "Secret History of the World", In particular Hyper-dimensional Realities. A topic that most interviewers stay away from! The following is a little snippet from the Transcript of Interview.

To listen go here:

Host, Adam Walton
Producer, Chris Kneebone
Date of Interview: 2/12/07 Click on "listen again" on the right hand side, then in the new window that pops up under "A-Z OF ALL SHOWS" click the "MON" edition of the "Adam and Mal" show, the interview is about five minutes in (after Norman Greenbaum's "Spirit in the Sky". The link should be good until next Monday.

LKJ: Well, the fundamental thesis of the book is that our reality is projected from, or embedded in, a higher or hyper-dimensional reality, and that what we perceive with our senses, you know, the, - the three dimensions of space and the four dimensions of space and time - are not all there is. And that, you know, even when we try to measure things that come from these other realities with our limited three-dimensional instrumentation, they fall short; you know, you can’t even go there. So, that’s the fundamental thesis, so taking history, taking the data that we have about human history, some of which is extremely mysterious; some of which is baffling, some of it’s very shocking; putting it together, you begin to see a pattern, a flow, of something that enters and exits our reality in a way that, uhm; if you’re familiar with the story ‘Flatland’ where, where the plane being, where the fingertips are put on the plane and what you see on the plane are round circles. And, if the hand were to be put through a membrane, you would just see, you know, circles going through, until the hand actually coalesced into a larger object, but to the beings of the membrane, it would never be anything other a circle that appeared and disappeared in time.

So, our reality is something like that and that there are denizens of this other reality that are perceivable to some people through history, and, they’ve - down through history - they’ve referred to them as gods or goddesses, or, uhm, you know, forces, beings, whatever; and they ascribe to them powers, appearances, you know, based upon how they read them. I don’t think they necessarily are amorphous either, and that’s, that’s where the new age community has completely gone astray, by thinking that anything outside this reality must be amorphous, must be a spirit. It doesn’t have to be a spirit at all. Just a slight shift in the dimensional reality and you have a completely other reality that is as physical as our own.

AW: Ok, Laura, from the point of view of the basic science, really, behind this, the idea of a parallel universe is obviously one that is very common amongst physicists, and I believe your husband is a world renowned physicist as well?

LKJ: Yes, he is.

AW: So, at least from that particular foundation, there would appear to be great scientific support for your theories. Why is there, then, resistance from all of the bodies that you mentioned, if this is almost explainable.

LKJ: Well, as I said, people who are attached to their religion don’t want a rational explanation for, for what happens. People who are attached to the new age; the new age is really little more than a variation on the old standard religions, I just call it new age fundamentalism. The scientific support that I get is really kind of unique because it comes from odd and unusual places. And then there are, of course, many people in the scientific community who just reject it out of hand. There is one of my husband’s colleagues who jokes that he does world-class mathematics on odd days and channels on even days. So, we have an interesting life in that respect. So, I think that some of the rejection comes from some of the inspiration I use to follow these clues.

AW: And, obviously, people have vested interests in preserving their own version of the facts, which is incredible. Now you mentioned multiple realities, why is it important for us as humans to try to question or determine a reality that is beyond our own? In other words, we can’t actually change the other reality, or change our own reality, is there any point in you making the voyage you have, as it were?

LKJ: Well, there is nothing that says that we can’t change it if we know about it and understand it. What you don’t know can definitely hurt you, especially in this respect. Uh, one of the things that really got me going many years ago was that I would, you know, I would read these so called conspiracy theories, and I would follow each theory as far as I could follow it - you know following a paper trail - and I always came up against a dead end. I mean, it was like, you would take it as far as you could go and then it was a dead end. It was like, ok, beyond this, there is a mystery. And, yet at the same time, you could look at the vast pattern of history and you could see that, you know, that there was a strong indication that something was maneuvering things toward a particularly directed end. And yet there was no possibility in my mind, after following all these many trails, that this could be a human conspiracy, because human beings simply, simply can’t conspire over thousands of years; they can’t keep something going that long. They, they work on immediate, uh, immediate reward, they want, you know, cause and effect, if I am going to do something, I want my reward in this lifetime.

And, uhm, so, there is no possibility that any of these conspiracies could be human originated and that was, uh, that was where I was for a long time. And then I began to think about manipulations from other realities. And then, of course, it was when I got into my channeling experiment, because I was very frustrated at that point, because I could go no further. I mean, I had, I had, I had pretty much exhausted everything; I had exhausted the normal avenues of, of information and I had exhausted the so-called paranormal avenues of information and I kept coming up against that funny thing that Charles Fort said, you know, he says, “I think we’re property”. And it struck me, uh, that is exactly how it appears, when you look at this vast sweep of history, it’s as though we’re one big experiment.

AW: Well, and, and who is, you know, perpetrating the experiment?

LKJ: Who perpetrates it? Well, I would suggest that it is denizens of this other reality that are referred to by the ancients as gods, and nowadays, of course they, they may refer to them as aliens. I don’t think they’re aliens. I don’t think they come from other planets. I think they are hyperdimensional beings and I think that they’ve been here for many thousands of years, if not for all of human history. There are records of lights in the sky and strange beings that are similar to, you know, what are called aliens down through history. Jacques Vallee referred to it as a control system. Control system, hyperdimensional reality; it’s pretty much the same thing.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Political Ponerology

THE SCIENCE OF EVIL AND ITS USE FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES, Another CarolynBaker.Org Exclusive, By Carolyn Baker
February 08, 2007 filed under bakers-blog printer-friendly

EVIL: 1 a: morally reprehensible : sinful, wicked b: arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct 2 aarchaic : inferior b: causing discomfort or repulsion : offensive c: disagreeable 3 a: causing harm : pernicious b: marked by misfortune : unlucky [Merriam-Webster Online]

Canada’s Red Pill press has recently published psychologist Andrew M. Lobaczewski’s book Political Ponerology (Red Pill Press, Canada, 1998 and 2006) in which the author expounds on his observations that during his years of clinical work in Poland, he noticed a high correlation between acts that most people would label as “evil” and various pathologies. The most apt diagnostic labeling of these individuals in modern psychological jargon would be sociopathic, the most important characteristic of which is the seeming absence of a conscience or empathy in relation to other living beings. Lobaczewski and some of his Eastern European colleagues working under Soviet rule decided to take this study to a higher level and researched how sociopathy was playing out in government, in business, and in other social groups.

Political ponerology (originating from the Greek word for evil, poneros) is a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes which ultimately on a larger scale results in a pathocracy. The research indicates that sociopaths are found in all races, ethnicities, and creeds, and that no group is immune to them. Sociopaths constitute, according to the author, about 6% of the population of any given group. Red Pill’s editor states that, “Political Ponerology is a book that offers a horrifying glimpse into the structure underlying our governments, our biggest corporations, and even our system of law.” After I read the book, a number of nagging questions about the policies and practices of government and corporate officials began to answer themselves in that Lobaczewski’s analysis goes to the heart of why the United States government has become a criminal enterprise hell bent on dominating the world and annihilating vast quantities of human beings globally and domestically.

When I first began the book I was more than a little put off by Lobaczewski’s European style of writing—his wordiness and his succinctness-challenged approach. Nevertheless, as I kept reading, and I must admit, struggling with his sentences, I grew increasingly grateful for the book and the friend who gave it to me. As a result, a few of the author’s fundamental concepts cry out to be shared, and this article is an attempt to do just that.

Lobaczewski first points out that societies are the most vulnerable to evil during good times. “During good times,” he writes, “people progressively lose sight of the need for profound reflection, introspection, knowledge of others, and an understanding of life’s complicated laws.” (P.85) Certainly, in my lifetime, I have not witnessed an American society willing to reflect and wrestle with the complexities of existence since the Vietnam War. Although much of the protest and activism of the sixties was naively myopic, the tension and angst of the era drove a majority of individuals in the United States to look deeper within themselves than they otherwise might have.

Following upon the heels of the war, of course, came Watergate, and further confirmation that governments always betray their own citizens and always lie about doing so. Then as the ME-generation seventies offered us the deceptions of peace and honest government, the groundwork for the current horrors domestically and internationally were being laid. America was war-weary, and smarting from the wounds of Watergate, acting out Lobaczewski’s assertion that “During good times, the search for truth becomes uncomfortable because it reveals inconvenient facts.” (85) On the other hand, he states, “Suffering, effort, and mental activity during times of imminent bitterness lead to progressive, generally heightened, regeneration of lost values, which results in human progress.” (P.87) Conversely, “The cycle of happy, peaceful times favors a narrowing of the world view and an increase in egotism….” Well, Jung said it long before Lobaczewski: Consciously analyzed suffering produces growth while letting nothing roll besides the good times produces stagnation and delusion.(87)

Perhaps no generation in American history has ever been so vulnerable to egotism as that of the seventies. It became known as the ME generation for a reason—not only because Americans became more personally narcissistic but also because internationally, in spite of losing our first war and weathering the Watergate scandal, we proceeded to demonstrate our superiority as we continued to stage various coups around the world and wage economic warfare on developing nations, setting the stage for Reagan’s ascent to power in the eighties and the polarization of ourselves as the savior in contrast to the “evil empire” of anyone else who dared to disagree.

It is exactly at those times of ego-delirium that nations render themselves deaf, dumb, and blind to conscience-less sociopaths who seduce them into policies and practices that are lethal for themselves and the rest of the world. Lack of reflection by definition produces human beings devoid of discernment.

One enormous problem I have with Lobaczewski’s elucidation of his theory is his use of “normal” to describe people who are not sociopaths. I wish he had used a different term since “normal” is so amorphous and laden with the naïve assumption that there is such a thing as a human being who is not dysfunctional in at least one aspect of his/her life. Nevertheless, he emphasizes that so-called “normal” individuals cannot comprehend the mind or behavior of the sociopath and are thus especially vulnerable to being harmed by them—hence the principal reason for writing a book on Ponerology, namely, to educate non-sociopaths about the pathology. The author uses the term “spellbinders” to describe psychological snake charmers who appear to be saviors, enlightened thinkers/politicians, even activists who present themselves as possessing insights based on research uniquely carried out by themselves or information gained through extraordinary channels to which no one else has access. This could also apply to cult leaders like Warren Jeffs and Jim Jones.

Yet, the author warns the reader that our own unconscious processes can cause us to block out the “red flags” that may arise in dealing with sociopaths. “Unconscious psychological processes outstrip conscious reasoning, both in time and in scope, which makes many psychological phenomena possible.” (152) Thus the denial that prohibits some individuals from seeing the darkest truths of what a sociopath is trying to promote, i.e., “Our government wouldn’t harm us; our government has our best interests at heart; no president could get away with that; the rule of law is still at work in America; fascism can’t happen here; the U.S. government couldn’t possibly have orchestrated the 9/11 attacks; if 9/11 were orchestrated by the U.S. government, too many people would have been involved for it to remain a secret”, and on and on ad infinitum.

Lobaczewski asserts that every society should teach its members proper thinking skills and how to detect the red flags of sociopathy. Teaching critical thinking skills in the educational process is one step in that direction, but in America’s No Child Left Behind gargantuan dumbing down project, even this first step is overwhelmingly absent.

The author states that “an ever-strengthening network of psychopathic and related individuals gradually starts to dominate, overshadowing the others.” (192) This situation rapidly devolves into a pathocracy or a system wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people. (193) The book’s editor, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, in her footnotes does not hesitate to name Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld, under the tutelage of Leo Strauss, as principal players in America’s twenty-first century pathocracy. Tragically, according to the author, “Pathocracy progressively paralyzes everything [and]…progressively intrudes everywhere and dulls everything.”(195)

If this all sounds very grim, and it is, Lobaczewski encourages us by emphasizing that, “If the ponerogenic activity of pathological factors—deviant individuals and their activities—is subjectged to conscious controls of a scientific, individual, and societal nature, we can counteract evil as effectively as by means of persistent calls to respect moral values.” (180) In other words, the author insists, crusading for moral values alone, can neither prevent nor expose ponerogenic activity. In fact, he asserts, it can exacerbate such activity by distracting attention from the most ghastly forms of evil to that which is not evil at all or presents with a more complex and less blatant quality. We have only to witness the ideology and rhetoric of the religious right in this country to observe a stellar example of the latter. Professing to be a “culture of life” it is implacably obsessed with death, apocalyptic violence, hell fire and brimstone. It serves no purpose, essentially, in the current milieu but to foster and perpetuate pathocracy.

Political Ponerology is an invaluable work that every human being striving to become conscious, should read, not only for its expose of the pathology of the individuals currently in control of the United States government, but also the light it may shed on individuals closer to home, some of whom may be friends, fellow-activists, business or civic leaders. The book’s purpose is not to incite paranoia, but to cultivate discernment and buttress our trust of our innate intuition in order to navigate the daunting manifestations of evil that surround us in the twenty-first century.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


The Fall

The idea of some past catastrophic event for humanity is nearly ubiquitous in myth and religion. We will compare the various renditions of the theme and attempt to draw conclusions pertinent to the present esoteric call.

We could speak of a 'fall complex' in the sense of a set of relatively fixed themes occurring together. This fall archetype or complex is found at different levels and scales. The general elements are losing some ideal state of being as a result of some mistake or naivety. On one hand, this makes post-fall life harder, on the other it offers opportunities for learning.
Edgar Cayce speaks of spirits getting progressively trapped in material forms because of getting addicted to sensation. This is not limited to the human form and would also apply to '2nd density' species souls.

Rudolf Steiner presents a long esoteric history of humanity which essentially consists of increasingly disconnected and material forms of incarnation as the world ages follow each other.

In the Atlantean epoch of Steiner, there was for example no barrier between the conscious and subconscious parts of mind, the between lives state and the incarnate states could freely communicate and the human body was not as solid In a sense, the whole cosmology is in large part a fall into matter. This is necessary because the pure spirit state would not offer adequate learning possibilities. However the school of matter does not continue endlessly and there in fact exist many groups of beings that already have graduated from human-like material existence.
The Biblical fall of Lucifer from heaven or the splitting of the Demiurge from the benevolent god of the Gnostics also fits this general pattern.

Other occurrences of the fall complex in myth and esoterica depict this as a specific, sudden event quite apart from the generic idea of spirit experiencing matter for learning. Indeed, we are probably talking of two different processes, although they share a common theme. First comes the apparition of material lifeforms, then much later the loss of some Edenic state specific to the human experience.

The Biblical account of the fall from Eden is the best known one but most likely represents political spin put by the 'control system' on a far more ancient idea.

The Cassiopaean take on the fall is that there first was a group soul in 'union with the One,' which collectively decided to experience physicality for faster learning. Then there was a sort of human form living in contact with 4th density service to others beings. This latter group was tempted to experiencing 3rd density service to self by 4th density service to self entities. We probably speak of two distinct events here. The fall to 3D STS took place at the previous passage of the Wave, some 309000 years ago and was accompanied by cataclysmic cometary impacts. This had several consequences, including deactivation and scrambling of the greatest part of DNA, radical loss of psychic faculties, acquiring a basically predatorial and control-oriented mindset, experience of more intense physical sensations. Sexuality is also related to this, probably in the sense of becoming more central to life with greater differentiation of genders.

The fruit of the tree of knowledge represents, according to the Cassiopaeans, the idea of accepting a single source of knowledge as an authority above all others.

Gurdjieff's story is somewhat different, involving an error not on behalf of humanity but on behalf the architects of life and cosmos. The moon got split from the Earth and correcting the situation required mankind to produce new types of vibrations, At this point, a special organ called kundabuffer was installed into man, to the effect of making man see the universe subjectively, perceiving most thing as pleasure. This anesthesia of senses and reason was needed so that man would not on principle refuse to perform the required cosmic task and decline to reproduce.

Castaneda also writes about a great loss in the mists of history. The predator come from the depths of space took over and gave man the predator's own mind, to better keep man under control, exploited like cattle for providing psychic food.

Mouravieff speaks of the fall in largely Christian terms, although he is more specific than the genesis account. The fall concerns only so-called Adamic man. There are two kinds of humanity, biologically and psychologically indistinguishable. The preadamic man is a result of biological evolution, possessing a group soul, a bit like species are said to have souls in the animal kingdom. The Adamic man on the other hand knew a sort of Edenic state maybe comparable to the pre-fall state discussed by the Cassiopaeans. The fall stripped Adamic man of the connection to his higher centers, leaving him with an individuated soul disconnected from the body and mind. The Work may then aim at reconnecting these and thereby redeeming the fall.

Sumerian legends speak of man being created to be a slave race for otherworldly masters. There is no fall per se or decision by man, there is just the event of being made.

In Nordic and other mythologies the metaphor of the mill appears to be used for the heavens which rotate around the peg of the mill, the pole star. Due to precession, the pole star position shifts slowly. In the legend, the mill first ground plenty and abundance, then salt, then rocks and sand, as it became unhinged and fell into the sea. We could interpret this as referring to the Earth's rotation axis no longer being perpendicular to the plane of the orbit, the ecliptic. Incidentally, according the the Cassiopaeans, the axis was in ages past perpendicular to the ecliptic and will return to this state in the future.

The Hindu yugas are also a representation of a sort of winding down of the universe. In the Hindu golden age of krita yuga, people were created as twins, each pair at the end of their lives bringing forth an identical pair of twins. Their needs were naturally met and there was no discord between right action and intent.

From this short summary we can extract multiple themes:
The more ancient accounts imply a cyclic model of the cosmos. The Old Testament Genesis is the epitomy of departure from this idea.

Natural cataclysms occur in conjunction with the fall theme. There are references to the inclination of the Earth rotation axis but interpretations vary greatly.

Some change pertaining to sex or reproduction is often related to the fall. The painful giving birth of Genesis, the parthenogenetic reproduction of the Hindu golden age, Mouravieff's mention of bondage to the duty of reproduction, the Cassiopaeans' allusions to reproduction having been different pre-fall all point in this direction. Blaming the fall on woman seems to be an insertion made later, jointly with the imposition of a male monotheistic dominator god and the doctrine of linear time and final judgement.

The Platonic idea of the originally spherical beings later split into man and woman, the Hindu idea of the twins, Mouravieff's concept of the polar couple and of Adam and Eve being of one flesh all contain echoes of some lost state of implicit harmony between genders.

The fall archetype occurs at many scales, from the cosmic to planetary to national and personal. Still, tradition and more recent esoteric sources all point to some ancient marker event specific to mankind.