Signs of the Times for Sat, 04 Feb 2006
skydrifter@comcast.netExcept for two aircraft hitting the WTC towers, try to think of a single officially claimed fact, or an ‘official’ position on 9-11 which has turned out to be true.
1. The FBI’s Robert Mueller cited the fact that no documentation linked al Qaeda to 9-11. Later phony al Qaeda "assertions" didn’t hold up under scrutiny.
2. There is no documented record of the purported 9-11 terrorists making a plane reservation; there is no “record locator,” complete with details.
3. There is no documented record of the purported 9-11 terrorists buying or using a ticket. (IDs required)
4. There is no hard-copy of a printed ticket ‘copy.’
5. There is no record of the purported 9-11 terrorists on any of the passenger manifests, with all legitimate passengers being accounted for.
6. There is no record of the purported 9-11 terrorists in the autopsies.
7. There is not as much as a suggestion that the purported 9-11 terrorists had the needed pilot skills - but rather the contrary.
8. At least seven of the purported 9-11 terrorists are known to be still alive - with no questions being asked.
9. No rational person can believe that the supposed lead hijacker’s passport could survive the WTC strikes, let alone be ‘immediately discovered’ in the 9-11 rubble.
10. The presented ‘security’ pictures of the 9-11 hijackers don't match the purported terrorists.
11. Despite the origins of the alleged hijackers, there was no in-country (Saudi Arabia & Pakistan) follow-up on the alleged hijackers’ links to terrorists. In some fashion, the alleged hijackers either disappeared, or were alleged to have used the names of seven living persons (with no identity ‘discovery’ follow-up.)
12. Bush’s frantic escape via Barksdale Air Force Base went un-explained, as it emerged that the ""…real, specific and credible" threats turned up as imaginary – and methodical.
13. The convenient ‘bureaucratic fog" – alleged to have allowed 9-11 to happen - went unexplained and un-investigated, as the American segment of the bin Laden family was immediately whisked away on private aircraft – amidst "instant" bureaucratic efficiency. Certainly, the 'convenient' failures went unpunished - if not rewarded.
14. For the first time in history, not one, but THREE steel-framed buildings were taken down by fire; magically falling onto their own footprint. The events involved two different architectural design styles, two different causes, but owned/controlled by a single entity. NO QUESTIONS ASKED & NO ASSOCIATED INVESTIGATION!
15. A stopwatch says that THREE buildings at the WTC came down as controlled demolition. Add the video captures of the sequenced controlled-demolition blasts.
16. There is no way to account for the purported WTC ‘collapse’ temperatures alleged by the 'official' line.
17. There is no viable evidence of a plane crash at the 9-11 Pentagon or in Pennsylvania - versus salted wreckage pieces. In the case of the Pentagon, they were even the wrong color! NO QUESTIONS ASKED & NO ASSOCIATED INVESTIGATION!
18. Despite the alleged failures of Airport Security, the situation methodically deteriorated to a Gestapo joke, as huge amounts of tax dollars were insanely spent on the TSA.
19. For all the failures, no official has been punished for 9-11. (with trivia such as a general who had an affair being sacked, in the background.)
20. The "official" 9-11 investigation was grossly under-funded, producing approximately 800 pages of documents after the White House censorship and interference.
21. In the end, the 9-11 Commission also failed to identify foreign terrorists as the perpetrators of 9-11. The so-called "investigation" was so much political rhetoric - hardly anything more.
22. That left the Afghan and Iraq invasions as blatant War Crimes. America fell into an identical "denial" mind-set of 1939 Nazi Germany. That was no coincidence of history!
23. There were no WMDs. Prior to the invasion, the 'boots-on-the-ground' UN teams reported no significant findings. Saddam has been long deposed. Iraq had no possible connection to 9-11. For all the horrors of the USA-made Saddam, his crimes are dwarfed by the tribal genocide of Africa. How did Saddam become the ‘humanitarian’ priority?
24. Given the above, Bush's invasions continue as War Crimes!
25. For all the "terror" threat levels posted, the Mexican border has been forced wide open from the White House; a "terrorist’s" dream-come-true. How much “terror threat” can possibly be factual?
Yet, repeatedly, the world is SUCCESSFULLY inundated with the assertions of "terrorism."
One is left to question, with so many inescapable indicators of 9-11 being a "Reichstag Fire," why nothing was said, for all intents & purposes? Because the nefarious science of PSYOPS was cleverly and effectively foisted upon America – and the world – by the mass media!
The harsh truth behind the obvious "mission" is hiding in plain sight! It's to be discovered in such books as Brezinski's "The Grand Chess Board," Barnett's "The Pentagon's New Map," and the documentation of the so-called "Project for a New American Century." (PNAC) In essence, "Amerika Uber Alles!" No denial is possible!
America's legacy is destined to be found in the mental- emotional wilderness between "Don’t ask; don’t tell" and "We didn't WANT to know!"