Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Recently I ran into a genealogy page by Laura Knight Jadczyk which made me think about my own genealogy. My mother had mentioned that my dad’s grandmother’s, my great grandmother, maiden name was Albergaria and that it was a very old name in the “old country”. That country being, the Azores-Portugal. Well a quick search and I came up with Captain Joao Soares de Albergaria .

The discovery and settling of the Azorean islands.

...According to certain historic reports the island of São Miguel was populated in 1444. The populace that disembarked in Povoação came from the “Estremadura”, “Alto Alentejo”, “Algarve” (all continental Portugal), and other foreign countries, specifically France. Gonçalo Velho Cabral was the dominant force in bringing these people to São Miguel. They spread themselves along the coastline in areas where conditions of accessibility and farming were best.

...Later, Gonçalo Velho’s nephew and heir, João Soares de Albergaria, brought to the island some families from the Algarve (southern continental Portugal) to give an impetus to the settling of the island. Henceforth major development occurred and brought about the first town charter, naming the area “Vila do Porto”, which today is the most important urban centre of the island.

And Gonçalo Velho Cabral worked closely with Henry the Navigator….

Wow, all this in just a quick search! Of course I have no idea if I’m actually related to João but it was fun brushing up on my Azorean history.

Friday, April 22, 2005


I ran across a post recently, “An Email from COINTELPRO and Shocking 9/11 Revelations”, on the blog “Catalytic Converter”. It addresses topics we have discussed here in the past, Cointelpro and 9-11. There are many interesting links included with in the post. One particular link titled “David Beckham and Flight 77 in Paris” is a must read for all.

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Now back to one of my favorite topics Fulcanelli. In order to better understand the information contained within the article The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, the author has suggested the following reading.
The Grail Quest, particularly the sections that discuss Alchemy and Saint Germain, The Fulcanelli Phenomenon, Rennes-le-Chateau and the Accursed Treasure, The Priory of Sion, and The Ark of the Covenant and the Temple of Solomon. Further reading would include Truth Or Lies, Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols, and Commentary on Boris Mouravieff's Gnosis.
It has been a tremendous help!


Has anyone noticed the increasing media coverage on Iran? Does it not seem obvious that the powers that be are attempting to create another WMD scenario except this time in Iran?
Check out the ads on this site "Iran freedom foundation" in particular the book by "Jerome Corsi" called "Atomic Iran". And this add from Sad isn't it?
The following blog, "gorilla in the room", has been trying to determine who is behind the "Iran freedom foundation" site. "Jerome Corsi" seems to be a key player. The following quotes from the site "Media Matters" gives you a little idea of what is in the mind of "Jerome Corsi".

• Corsi on Islam: "a worthless, dangerous Satanic religion"

• Corsi on Catholicism: "Boy buggering in both Islam and Catholicism is okay with the Pope as long as it isn't reported by the liberal press"

• Corsi on Muslims: "RAGHEADS are Boy-Bumpers as clearly as they are Women-Haters -- it all goes together"

• Corsi on "John F*ing Commie Kerry": "After he married TerRAHsa, didn't John Kerry begin practicing Judiasm? He also has paternal grandparents that were Jewish. What religion is John Kerry?"

• Corsi on Senator "FAT HOG" Clinton: "Anybody ask why HELLary couldn't keep BJ Bill satisfied? Not lesbo or anything, is she?"

The 9-11 Reality

9-11 is a topic that I’ve touched on before. The simple question of who benefits is continually ignored by the so called media. For example how may people have heard about the “Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11”, the “Israeli Moving Companies” stories or the “Israeli Art Students”?

No, you won’t be hearing about any investigation into these stories. If you do they quickly head to the “back page”. If you want an objective look at these topics check out the “The Signs of the Times”. Read the articles on the “Pentagon Strike”, “Moving Companies”, “The MOSSAD Happy Dance”, “The Global Game of Survivor: America's Next Four Years” and see with your own eyes a glimpse of the reality we live in.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Control, Empire, Beast, Anitichrist, 666

Recently I was having a discussion with a co-worker and he mentioned that he had watched a TV program which attempted to explain the Revelations. Co-incidentally, (or not?), I received the following email describing possible implementations of currency controls. What is the connection you ask?

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
[Revelation 13:16, 17]

Now with that in mind check out who may represent "The Beast and His Empire”, ("Is Bush the Antichrist?") and the significance of "666: The Mark of the Beast?"

...and here is the email, (Jim Sinclair’s bio can be found here)

Patriot Act Being Used To Implement Currency Controls

The following exchange of letters appears on the Gold Eagle board in the Gold Forum.

A letter to and reponse from Jim Sinclair:

Dear Jim:
My Bank in London called me today to inform me that in order to comply with new US laws, they are halting all new services to American residents

I can keep my accounts for the moment, but I cannot add any new currency accounts or any other investment products to my portfolio. They will not allow any US residents to open accounts in the future.

Just my thoughts but:

1. New bankruptcy law (last week)
2. Announcement that travel to other parts of North America will require a passport (papers please)
3. New compliance standards for foreign banks (this past year)
4. Elimination of foreign accounts for US residents (one by one)

Currency controls have been initiated.

Your "Anonymous Pal”

Dear "Anonymous Pal:”

I have cautioned the Community that financial privacy is all but a chapter of history - with the exception of bullion coins.

Anyone attempting to open international bank accounts at major and reputable non-US banks will run into the difficulties you have outlined, making it all but impossible to accomplish even with the best of intentions.

The net result is an effective form of currency control as part of Patriot Act II. This covert method of currency control is a preemptive strike at what is coming when it is realized - as the Economist put it - that there is no constituent support and therefore no real political will to reduce the US Budget Deficit.

As a result, the dollar must decline. The result of a declining dollar is logically a move towards other currencies which in itself is a form of Gresham’s law.

Of all the possibilities you outline, there is only one that is in the black: Patriot II will be just as effective as any currency control put into law. This has significant implications for gold once all of this hits the proverbial fan.


Monday, April 11, 2005

Did you ever notice?

Did you ever notice whenever something of historical significance occurs that Nostradamus’s quatrains get dusted off and start making the rounds over the internet? Such events as 9-11, Madrid attacks, and recently, Terri Schiavo and the death of the Pope come to mind. Not to mention the increasing natural disasters. The problem I find is the interpretation skills of those attempting to decipher his predictions. Some see it as an opportunity to push their own agenda, obscuring any serious effort to uncover the real meaning. Cointelpro anyone? The reason I bring this up is during my wonderings through Blogville I found a blog who in their recent posts, discusses these very topics.

Friday, April 01, 2005

More on “Secret History of the World”

In earlier posts titled "Secret History of the World" and “Hammering”, I briefly discussed a new book written by Laura Knight-Jadczyk called, “Secret History of the World and How To Get Out Alive” and that within its pages it contained the article titled, “The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code”. This article is on the web and may be the real solution to the "Da Vinci Code". In this post I thought I would give you a better idea of the subject matter contained within this incredible work. For your perusal, here are the chapter headings.

Chapter 1 The Nature of the Quest
Chapter 2 The Chemistry of Alchemy
Chapter 3 The Quest for the Past
Chapter 4 The Hyperdimensional reality
Chapter 5 Whose World is it, anyway?
Chapter 6 History and Catastrophe
Chapter 7 Ancient Enigmas
Chapter 8 The Culture of Stone
Chapter 9 Percy-ing the Veil
Chapter 10 Who Wrote the Bible and Why?
Chapter 11 Time
Chapter 12 Out OF Time